Introduction to Different Smart Phone Platforms:- (8 hrs of Theory = 2days)
Intro to Mobile Application development environment
Essence underlying in developing applications for Mobile
Introduction to different Mobile Operating Systems
What actually is a Smart Phone? Why is it called so?
Characteristics of a Smart Phone?
Introduction to the Era of Smart Phone Operating Systems
Pros and Cons of Each Smart Phone Operating System
Introduction to Apple Owned Smart Devices(iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch) &Operating
System (Mac ):- (4hrs of Theory & 8 hrs of Practicals = 3days)
Hardware Configuration for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
What is Sand Boxed Environment and how iPhone/iPad/iPad Touch
comes under this Category?
Introduction to Mac OS X Environment and iOS (iPhone Operating System)
Advantages Of Mac over Windows
Introduction to Architecture of Mac OS and iOS
Importance of each layer in the Architecture of Mac and iOS
Setting Up the Environment for iPhone Development:- (8 hrs Practical = 2days)
Introduction to the iOS SDK(Software Development Kit) its Tools and Versions
Pre requisites for becoming an IPhone Application developer
(Apple Developer Account & Benefits acquired with developer account)
Introduction to the Integrated Development Environment called Xcode
How to Download, Install and Uninstall Xcode
Different Versions Of Xcode and enhancements made in each version
What’s new in the Latest Version of iOS SDK 5.0 and Xcode 4.3
Introduction To Objective C (Language for Development):-(20 hrs Theory & 36hrs Practicals)
How different is Objective C from other Object Oriented Languages
The Concepts very peculiar to Objective C
Why Objective C is Called as Pure Object Oriented language?
Different version of Objective C language (Objective C 1.0 and 2.0)and
what is new in each version
The reasons behind Objective C not supporting Garbage Collection for iPhone app
Importance of Managing memory for Device programming
Introduction to Concepts like Forward Invocation, Key value Coding ,Key Value Observing
with Examples
Introduction to Categories, Protocols and Delegates and a detail study on their
implementations with real time scenarios and how to create Custom Delegates
Getting deep in to Objective C Specific data types like ID , SEL(Selector ) and their role in
Introduction to Different Design patterns (MVC, Singleton, Target/Action, Delegation)
and their Uses with scenarios
Programming with Objective C by indulging Native Foundation Classes
a) NSString & NSMutableString
b)NSArray & NSMutableArray
c) NSDictionary & NSMutable Dictionary
d)NSSet &NSMutable Set
f)NSData & NSMutableData
g)NSData &NSDateFormatters
i)NSUrl & NSUrlRequest
j)NSFileManager,NSFileHandler and Managing files in Objective C
Introduction to iOS Environment:- (15 hrs Theory& 57 hrs of Practicals = 3 weeks )
Application Life Cycle of iPhone Application
Introduction to Cocoa Touch Framework and its internal divisions
Intro to Different Templates included for development purpose and Usage of each template
Detail Study Of inbuilt tool for designing User Interface called Xib
Pros and cons in building User Interface with default Xib tool
How to customize UI and why is It necessary
Introduction to UIKit Framework
Working with Classes Pertaining to UIKit and Building High interactive User Interface
through Coding in Objective C
Programming the UI using Inputs and Values, Data Views
Introduction to Different Data Views
d)UIPicker View and Date Picker
g)UITextView etc
h)UITable View
i)UITableView Cell
Introduction to Different Controllers Like Navigation Controller,TabBar Controller,
Table View Controller,UIView Controller etc
How to write a Custom Control and Place it in Library
Introduction to GPS Programming Through Map kit and Core Location Framework :-
(2hrs Theory& 16 hrs Practicals - 4days)
Placing a Map View and adding Some Static Content
How to Make Annotations (Intro to MKAnnotation Protocol )
Making Callouts
Retrieving Current Location
Creating Custom Callouts and Custom Pin Annotation Views
Using Google Map and Map Quest API’s
Drawing Route Using Poly line Class
Passing Some Content to the Google API’s for filtering out the location
Showing location specific ATM’s, Hospitals, Restaurants etc...
MKReverseGeocoding Class and its usages
Achieving Multitasking through Thread programming :-(2hrs theory & 6 hrs Practicals =2 days)
Introduction to multitasking concept
What are Threads and how Threads Support Multitasking
How to do Thread programming to switch the application from Foreground to Background
and back
What is Deadlock and Race Conditions
What is Synchronization and use of it in Thread programming
How to do Asynchronous calls
Thread Sleep and Thread Delay Modes and its Uses in Real-Time Scenarios
Server Programming:- (5hrs Theory& 19 hrs practicals = 1week)
What is a Server and what is meant my Web Service
Introduction to Different web services like SOAP,REST and XML
How Services are written Internally ?
Introduction to WSDL,XML and UDDI
How to consume a XML Web Service in iPhone
How to Consume a SOAP Web Service in iPhone
What is Parsing and What are different Type of Parsers Available
XML Parsing and its Categories
a)DOM Parser
b)SAX Parsers
Introduction to NSXML Parser, Touch XML, GDATA and KISS XML
Introduction to JSON (Java Script Object Notation)
How to add a JSON Library in to the project
How to parse through JSON Parser
What is exception and how to handle it
Importance of Exception handling in iPhone
Data Base Programming:- (2hrs theory& 6hrs Practicals = 2days)
Introduction to the Dynamic library SQLite 3.0
How to create a database Schema
Using SQLite Manager and terminal window for database creation
Intro to SQLite API’s
How to Open ,Create, Execute and close the Database
Introduction to SQLite Views, Index and Triggers
Different Real Time scenarios
Introduction to Core data Programming
How to Store and Retrieve Data using Plist
Apple Push Notifications and Local Notification:- (1hrs Theory 7 hrs Practicals = 2days)
What are Push Notifications and why are they important
Architecture of Push Notification
How to write a push notification service and Pay load
Intro to Local notifications and their use in real time Programming
Debugging and Maintaining the Performance of the App:-(4 hrs Theory& 4hrs Practicals = 2days)
Introduction to Internal tools(Leaks, Zombies etc) for finding Memory Leaks
Performance Tuning through Sharks and Instruments
Crash logs and Reports
Using Address to Symbol (altos) tool for finding and fixing Crash logs
Using Build and Analyze Tool
Introduction to Specific and Important Frame Works and their Usage with Realtime Scenarios:-
(10 hrs Theory & 38 hrs of practicals = 2 weeks)
Introduction to AVFoundation Framework,CFNetwork Layer,QuartzCore FrameWork,
Introduction to Assets Library and its implementation Using UIImagePickerController
Localization And Internationalization
Creating a static Library
Introduction to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Programming
Usage of Store Kit Frame work and In app Purchase
Introduction to Media Layer and NSNotification Center
Integrating FaceBook and Twitter API’S in the application
Introduction to App store Submission process
How to Port an application in to Device
An Overview of Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) and iCloud
Introduction to Cross Platforms in Mobile App Development:-
(2hrs of theory 22 hrs of Practicals= 1 week)
What is a cross platform ?
What are the Different Cross platforms Available for mobile app development?
A brief introduction to Phone Gap,Titanium,Appcelerator and Sencha Touch cross platforms
Setting up the environment for cross platform development
Using Phone Gap with Xcode,With an Android device and Blackberry device
Tools Available For Phone Gap
Introduction to different Phone Gap Plug-ins
Working with Accelerometer,Compass,Geo Location,Media,Camera,Storage, Files,Contacts
and Video Capture
How to take application offline Using Sencha Touch
Building CustomViews,Layouts and containers using Sencha touch
Differences in building Applications Native to a platform and in cross platform environment
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