Saturday, 19 May 2012

Iphone/Ipad Interview FAQ's

1. What is delegate?
            The helper object is called the delegate.
2. What is protocol? Types off protocols?
            List of methods that share among the class.
Types of protocols
Formal protocols are those protocols that are implemented using Objective protocols:
@protocol NSFoo <NSSomeProtocol>
-(int) doesIt;

Informal protocols are defined as categories on NSObject with no implementation:
@interface NSObject(FooDelegate)
- (void)optionalFooDelegateMethod;

3. What are categories?
            Categories allow you to add functionality to already existing classes without extending them.

4. Is there over loading function in object c?
            No not there
5. How to customize u r app in iphone?
Winterboard is an application that let you customize your iPhone / iPod 2.0+.

6. What is the Winterboard?
Winterboard allows you to customize Springboard of your iphone. Using Winterboard you can change iPhone icons, customize applications, status bar graphics, iPhone dock graphics, install themes and change wallpapers of your iPhone Springboard. You can even customize sounds on your iPhone. With Winterboard you can theme almost everything that comes to your mind. Before iPhone 2.0 there was Summerboard but Winterboard has replaced it since iPhone 2.0 and can even load themes of Summerboard.
7. What is the springboard?
Springboard is the standard application that manages the iOS (formerly iPhone OS) home screen.
8. Is it support multiple inheritance?
Not supported
9. What is the difference b/w iphone and ipad?
            Size is bigger than I phone.  Split view application is added in ipad.

10. What is the difference between retain and copy?
Retain: this retains the new value in your setter method
This makes a copy of the string in your setter method
11. What is the memory management?
            It allocates and reallocates memory and find out memory leaks.
12. What is the singleton?
            Singletons are a class that only gets instantiated once in your application’s run-time.
13. How many layers are there in iphone sdk?
            .cocoa touch layer
                        Address book UI
            .media layer
                        .audio toolbox
                        .audio unit
                        .AV foundation
                        .core Audio
                        .core graphics
                        .media player
                        .open GL ES
                        .quartz Core
            .core service layer
                        .address book
                        .core foundation         
                        .core location  
                        .system Configuration
            .core os layer
                        .CF network   

14. What is the IB?
            It design app user interface graphically save those are resource file that u load into application at run time.
15. What is the difference between retain and release?
            Retain: Increment index by 1
Release: decrement index by 1 

16. What the difference b/w loadview and viewdidload?
When you load your view from a NIB and want to perform further customization after launch, use viewDidLoad.
            If you want to create your view programmatically (not using Interface Builder), use loadView.
17. What are the methods we are using in table view?
            .number of sections in table view
            .number of rows in section
            .cell for row at index path
            .did select row at index path
18. What are the accesses specifies?
            Protected (by default protected)
20. Instance method followed by………………………
            Member variable
21. Instance method begins with?
22. Class method begins with?
23. @interface
            Methods define
24. @implementation
            Define methods are implemented
25. Default constructor syntax is?
            - (id) init.
26. What is the difference b/w NSString and NSMutableString?
            NSString the length is fixed can’t append another string
            NSMutableString It can append another string
27. Where the programs start execution?
A) Application Did Finish lunchingwithOption
28. What is the difference b/w dismissmodelview control and presentviewmodel controller?

29. Which API’s are using in u r application?
A) API means frameworks like UIkit, foundation, Core animation
30. What is the cocoa?
Object c frame work called COOCA. The specific part of the framework used for iPhone app development is called Cocoa Touch
31.What is the difference Between APPKit and UIKit?
A)there is NO APPKit in iphone and there is no UIKit in Mac OS


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