Sunday, 17 June 2012


1. In which layer are packets formed ( in network layer).

2. What are virtual functions?

3. What is a scope resolution operator?

4. Write a program to concatenate two circular linked lists into a single circular list.

5. Write a program to reverse a linked list.

6. Base class has some virtual method and derived
        class has a method with the same name. If we initialize the base class pointer with derived         object,.calling of that virtual method will result in which method being called?   Ans--- derived         method.

7. Go through virtual functions concepts in C++ and how the pointers to functions would be handled.---            aztec

8. A thread is  Ans. Detachable unit of executable code).

9. In the command scanf, h is used for   Ans. Short int.

10. How is memory management done in Win95   Ans. Through paging and segmentation.

11. What is meant by polymorphism  Ans. Redfinition of a base class method in a derived class.

12. How is linked list implemented  Ans. By referential structures.

13. What method is used in Win95 in multitasking  Ans. Non preemptive check.

14. What is meant by functional dependency.

15. What is a semaphore Ans. A method synchronization of multiple processes .

16. Preorder of A*(B+C)/D-G     Ans.*+ABC/-DG.

17. What is the efficiency of merge sort  Ans. O(n log n).

18. In which layer are routers used  Ans.In network layer.


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