1. Explain basic OOPs Concepts?
2. What is Inheritance and Why?
3. Types of Polymorphism?
4. Explain Memorymanagement in Objective-C?
5. What happens when we release a object?
6. Do you need to call dealloc() method?
7. Difference between Retain and Copy?
8. Difference between Release and Autorelease?
9. What is Singleton Class? How to create your own singleton class?
10. What is Property ,Synthesize and how to create your own setter and getter methods?
11. What is Categeory,why,Disadvantages?
12. Difference between Categeory and Inheritance?
13. How do you handle exceptions in Objective-C?
14. What is Delegate?
15. What is CallBack?
16. Have you worked on Protocol?
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Tags:Prokarma Tech 23-11-2011 Telephonic
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