First 3 rounds:
1. volatile. purpose? avoiding time optimization or Memory optimization?
2. What are the synchronisation mechanisms used?
semaphores vs Mutex? Question extended to processes waiting on semaphore?
3. How shared memory is implemented?
Adv and disadv of shared memory?
4. Have u ever worked on pipes?
5. Working mechanism of message Queues. Disadv of message queues?
6. different storage sections
7. protected vs private?
8. what is polymorphism? How do u achieve it?
9. Late binding vs Early binding?
10. What is the mechanism involved in late binding? (VTABLE concept)
11. Single ton pattern
12. OS vs RTOS
13. what is Priority Inversion?
How do u achieve class behavior(data members + Member functions) in C?
Similar to the lines of how to declare a function in structure in C?
Write a small piece of code to do it and access it?
15. What is an Exception? Why we can't handle asynchronous exceptions in C++?
16. write the syntax for copy constructor and Assignment operator?
17. (i)A ob1 = ob2; which one is called ? copy contructor or Assignment operator?
(ii)A ob1; A ob2;
ob2 = ob1; which one is called?
18. What is Context switching? what OS do while switching?
19. Few questions on structure padding.
20. Program to interchange elements in a Matrix?
21. Reversing a Linked List.
Write a pgm to know whether a system is little endian or big endian?
extended the question to are there any alternate methods?
23. memory leaks?
24. select() system call?
25. Purpose of virtual destructor?
26. Can we have virtual constructor?
27. Have u worked on UML? Represent diagramatically a composition?
28. Questions on Inheritance Acess specifier modes?
How the base class members are inherited, When the acess specifier is public/private/Protected?
29. Abstract classes? When do u go for an abstract class?
30. What happens when u don't define a pure virtual function in the derived class?
31. Interrupt Handling mechanism(RTOS)?
32. Explain the mechanism of RS232?
33. Overloading postfix and prefix operators?
34. system calls on Client side and server side(Socket Programming)?
35. Different states of a Process?
36. Syntax of function pointers?
37. What is preemptive based scheduling?(RTOS)
38. What is encapsulation? What is data abstraction?
39. Shallow copy vs Deep copy?
40. What do the C++ compiler provide u by default?
41. Size of an empty class?
42. Object Slicing in C++?
43. Stack Unwinding in C++?
44. What is Segmentation fault? Questions related to Core dump.
45. diamond problem in C++? How to resolve it?
46. questions related to malloc(), calloc() and realloc()
47. const char*p;
char const *p;
char *const p;
48. Overloading new operator?
49. what is a Smart pointer in C++?
50. how do u allocate memory for a double pointer?
51. What is a Race Condition? extended the question to thread-safety?
52. Indirect question referrring to Reference Counting in C++?
53. What is double buffering technique?
54. fork() system call?
55. What is Deadlock? How do u prevent it?
4th Round - All Process related
1. Have u worked on Interrupt Handlers?
2. What are the design methodologies used?
3. Different diagrams in UML?
3. How do the Code Review process is done?
4. He has given a scenario and asked me to design it.
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