Thursday, 1 November 2012

CISCO 2012 Placement papers | cisco placement papers 2012 pattern | cisco placement papers with answers

CISCO: 2012: Sept at Chennai

 There were almost 40 technical questions and 10 analytical questions. Total 50 questions.

Cisco Placements Technical questions :

1. Which of the following is connectionless protocol

Ans: UDP(User Datagram Protocol)


 #define clrscr() 100






3. Which of the following is used for avoiding network congestion




all of the above

4. main()


int a;



whats o/p of this program..what will b printed

Ans :0








wat will b printed.




unsigned short a=-1;

unsigned char b=a;

printf("%d %d ",a,b);


wat is o/p of the program

a. 65535 -1 b. 65535 65535 c. -1 -1

7. Arrays base address is 1000....array is a[5][4]..then wat is de

correct address of a[4][3].


8. One packet is 64 bytes no. of pkts send is 16000 then total no. of bytes send is

Ans 1024000

9. #define maxval 5

int main (void)


int i=1;









find o/p???


#define a 3+3

#define b 11-3





what is o/p?????

11. A question in which segment address is given logical address is 800 base addresses also given you have to find physical address.

12. Stack is used in a task

Ans: temporary variables values

13. Which of de following is not stored in activation record..

Ans: some heap area

14. main{

printf("%d",-1<<4); } wats o/p??? ans: 0xfff0

15. main() { int* s s=10 printf("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d",*s++,(*s)++,++*s,++(*s)); } whats o/p?

16. There was a question on processor speed in nanocycles..then it performs a instruction in x cycles..dont remember

17. main() { int *i; int s=(int *)malloc(10*sizeof(int)); for (i=0;i<10;i++) { printf("%d",i*i) } wats o/p

18. One more similar question Cisco  Conducted On   Computer awareness test.

1. In the command scanf, h is used for

Ans. Short int

2. A process is defined as

Ans. Program in execution

3. A thread is

Ans. Detachable unit of executable code.

4. What is the advantage of Win NT over Win 95

Ans. Robust and secure

5. How is memory management done in Win95

Ans. Through paging and segmentation

6. What is meant by polymorphism

Ans. Redefinition of a base class method in a derived class

7. What is the essential feature of inheritance

Ans. All properties of existing class are derived

8.What does the protocol FTP do

Ans. Transfer a file b/w stations with user authentication

9.In the transport layer ,TCP is what type of protocol

Ans. Connection oriented

10.Why is a gateway used

Ans. To connect incompatible networks

11.How is linked list implemented

Ans. By referential structures

12.What method is used in Win95 in multitasking

Ans. Non preemptive check

13.What is meant by functional dependency

14.What is a semaphore

Ans. A method synchronization of multiple processes

15.What is the precedence order from high to low ,of the symbols ( ) ++ /

Ans.( ) , ++, /

16.Preorder of A*(B+C)/D-G Ans.*+ABC/-DG

18. B-tree (failure nodes at same level)

19. Dense index (index record appears for every search -key in file)

20.What is the efficiency of merge sort

Ans. O(n log n)

21.A program on swapping ( 10,5 )was given (candidate cannot recollect)

22.In which layer are routers used

Ans.In network layer 23.In which layer are packets formed ( in network layer )

24. heap ( priority queue )

25. Copy constructor ( constant reference )

26.Which of the following sorting algorithm has average sorting behavior,  Bubble sort, merge sort, heap sort, exchange sort

Ans. Heap sort

27.In binary search tree which traversal is used for getting ascending order values Inorder, post order, preorder Ans. In-order

28.What are device drivers used for

Ans.To provide software for enabling the hardware

29. Irrelevant to UNIX command ( getty)

30.What is fork command in UNIX

Ans. System call used to create process

31.What is make command in UNIX

Ans. Used for-creation of more than one file

32.In UNIX .profile contains

Ans. Start up program

33.In UNIX echo is used for

( answer C)

34.In UNIX 'ls 'stores contents in


1. In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is composed of girls A.y/(x + y) B.x/xy C.x/(x + y) D.y/xy [Ans.C ]

2.What is the maximum number of half-pint bottles of cream that can be filled with a 4-gallon can of cream(2 pt.=1 qt. and 4 qt.=1 gal) A.16 B.24 C.30 D.64 [Ans.D ]

3. If the operation,^ is defined by the equation x ^ y = 2x + y,what is the value of a in 2 ^ a = a ^ 3 A.0 B.1 C.-1 D.4 [Ans.B ]

4. A coffee shop blends 2 kinds of coffee,putting in 2 parts of a 33p. a gm. grade to 1 part of a 24p. a gm. If the mixture is changed to 1 part of the 33p. a gm. to 2 parts of the less expensive grade,how much will the shop save in blending 100 grams. A.Rs.90 B.Rs.1.00 C.Rs.3.00 D.Rs.8.00 [Ans.C ]

5. There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination. Among these questions are 50 mathematics problems. It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each maths problem as for each other question. How many minutes should be spent on mathematics problems A.36 B.72 C.60 D.100


6. In a group of 15,7 have studied Latin, 8 have studied Greek, and 3 have not studied either. How many of these studied both Latin and Greek A.0 B.3 C.4 D.5


7. If 13 = 13w/(1-w) ,then (2w)2 = A. 1/4 B. 1/2 C. 1 D. 2 [Ans.C ]

8. If a and b are positive integers and (a-b)/3.5 = 4/7, then (A) b < a (B) b > a

(C) b = a (D) b >= a [Ans. A]

9. In June a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its game played. After a phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50% .How many games must the team have won in a row to attain this average? A. 12 B. 20 C. 24 D. 30 [Ans. C]

10. M men agree to purchase a gift for Rs. D. If three men drop out how much more will each have to contribute towards the purchase of the gift.

A. D/(M-3) B. MD/3 C. M/(D-3) D. 3D/(M2-3M) [Ans. D]

11. A company contracts to paint 3 houses. Mr.Brown can paint a house in 6 days while Mr.Black would take 8 days and Mr.Blue 12 days. After 8 days Mr.Brown goes on vacation and Mr. Black begins to work for a period of 6 days. How many days will it take Mr.Blue to complete the contract? A. 7 B. 8 C. 11 D. 12 [Ans.C]

 12. 2 hours after a freight train leaves Delhi a passenger train leaves the same station travelling in the same direction at an average speed of 16 km/hr. After traveling 4 hrs the passenger train overtakes the freight train. The average speed of the freight train was?

A. 30 B. 40 C.58 D. 60 [Ans. B]

 13. If 9x-3y=12 and 3x-5y=7 then 6x-2y = ? A.-5 B. 4 C. 2 D. 8 [Ans. D]


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