Written Test
I- 20 questions on aptitude.
II-20 questions on electronics.
III-20 questions on C.
The level of questions was average.
Following are the Topics covered from Electronics
- Unit of magnetic field.
- Unit of resistivity.
- Thevenin's equivalent of the circuit.Find the voltage across the load,the figure will be provided.
- Find the equivalent capacitance,through the figure provided.
- Find the equivalent gate,gate will be made by BJT.
- Find the equivalent gate,gate will be made by Diode.
- One multiplexer question.
value of charge on electron.
More question regarding the charge. - Questions on BJT circuit.
Effect of temperature on conductivity of the semiconductor.
Effect of temperature on conductivity of the conductor.
Find the resistance of the long wire.
Some Questions on transformer(simple), steady state, - Questions on majority carriers & minority carriers in BJT.
Technical Interview
- It was mostly concentrated on some of the questions from the written test i.e. how you solved them.
- Rectifier circuit (HalfWave, FullWave, bridge.)
- How to filter pulsating DC from full wave rectifier with circuit
- Capacitor alone as a filter.
- Your favorite subject and some questions from it.
Technical Interview (2nd round):- PART- 1
- This interview started with electronics i.e. the same rectifiers and diodes.
- Then switched onto some digital electronics questions like making gates using transistors,
black boxes with input/output conditions given input polarity changed then too output polarity remains same. - Changing duty cycle of pulse
- Making Band pass and bandstop filters using low pass and high pass.
- C programs:
- Multiplication.
- Power of 2. (without loops)
Technical Interview (2nd round):- PART- 2
- Embedded C (KEIL IDE) concepts
- Explaining project (B. Tech)
- Explain UART protocol.
- Write a C program for removing line from a file (For Embedded system)
- Explain Termios.
HR Round:
It was not a formal HR round as many companies do conduct. Usually there is no HR round here. They just inform us regarding the salary and the date of joining.
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