Friday, 9 August 2013

FAQ' s on C Language - Embedded Trainees have to know all this

1. what is "little endian" and "big endian" and how to know this?

2. Is it possible to specify width of the data in strings? how? and what happens when that exceded or reduced

3. what are the "unary operators?"

4. Is it possible to assaign a value to a variable before declaring?

5. can you write an inline code for finding largest of three numbers using ternary operator?

6. what is inline function in c?

7. write a program for '/' and '%' operators without using them.

8. Difference between return and goto functions

9. write a program to print pascal triangle

10. where main function return will go

11. where function declarations are present

12. who calls the main() function

13. Difference between recursion and iteration

14. Is it possible to multiply or division of two pointers?what are
the arithmetic operations supported in pointers

15. Difference between pointer to an array and array of pointers

16. How to access last element of the following expression using pointers

17. How to return more than one value from a function? program

18. Difference between switch and function pointers

19. what is the use of sprintf() and sscanf() functions

20. Difference between structure and unions .

21. Difference between structure and arrays.

22. "I Love my India, I Love my Country"..write a program that prints how many times that each word occures using pointers
like: I:2 Love:2 my:2 India:1 ,:1 Country:1 <space>:7

23. what is the size of structure when declaring

24. why padding occurs in structures how to reduce it

25. Difference between typedef and #define

26. write a program that accepts input from STDIN and output must be like this...
every line contains exactly 72 characters
if more try to fix in another line
if less fill with spaces

27. Difference between MACRO and FUNCTION

28. What happens in preprocessor stage

29. Using command line arguments take the following input:
like: 10+24$ -34&54+ p54-22
and output must be 10+24-34-22=-22
means remove extra symbols otherthan +,-,*,/,% and consider only values who has prefix these symbols

30. How to mask or unmask bits

31. what is the use of bit fields

32. Difference between enum and #define

33. Difference between static and extern

34. Difference between local static and global static

35. Is it possible to use global static functions in another file

36. Is it possible to declare the global static function in header files to access in only one function

37. what is file scope

38. write a program for the predefine function atoi()

39. return type of malloc write general syntax for it

40. sizeof double pointer


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